Posts in hair tips
How to Prep for a Poppin Pony or High Bun

These steps will help you prepare for the poppin pony or high bun. I know it may seem silly to “practice” for a hairstyle but why would you expect to automatically love something that’s so different from your typical look when you are only basing your love off of an inspiration photo? Loving something new can take some warming up. So if you dream of a high pony or bun to optimize the likelihood you’ll love it at the trial & not be disappointed or frustrated I would suggest prepping. Not to mention who wants a headache? Not me !

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There's how many types of veils ?!

Did you know there’s 11 types of “traditional” veils in western weddings? Yes! And if you just got a bit of whiplash from hearing that number I don’t blame you . Perhaps after the number shock it all starts to feel a bit daunting as you when simply from the decision of veil or no veil to which type of veil. Let’s discuss them all!

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Buzzwords : Searching For YOUR Ideal Look

There are SO many inspiration photos out there & it can be daunting to say the least. Too commonly do we hear from clients that they “just couldn’t find their style” or “didn’t know what to search” so they … gave up. Took what they could find & assumed that was all they could possibly get from the internet. What if it was easier? HINT: It is! With the right search words.

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Grooming Tips Guys Need For Their Wedding Day

Wedding are SO focused on women but that’s leaving out a huge percent of the population. There’s oodles of information out there focused on the ladies but what about our bros especially the bearded ones? Believe it or not this day is important for them too! They ALSO want to look their best! So <GASP> we’re going to help with some general knowledge both leading up to the wedding care and day of wedding grooming. Let’s start with leading up to the wedding day grooming.

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Neutral Doesn't Equal Natural

Adjectives are relative. Have you ever had a vision in your head but then tried to describe it to someone & what they imagined based on your description is ENTIRELY different? That happens all the time in the beauty industry & is why we LOVE photos for references. One word (like smokey) can mean very different things to 2 different people. One of the most common confusions we see now is natural vs neutral. Do you know the difference?

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Our 5 Favorite DC Hotels To Get Ready In

As wedding hair & makeup pros we’ve seen it all when it comes to getting ready spaces. Today we’re specifically looking at out favorites hotels in Washington DC to get ready in as voted by our wedding hair & makeup team.

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Constructing Your Perfect Wedding Day Beauty Timeline

Keeping all these thing in mind & you’ll be set for a perfect day. Ultimately listen to the guidance of your artist. They are the pro & you hired them for a reason. Don’t try to rush or squeeze & instead the method behind their time. Confused or curious? Ask questions! We’re more than happy to shine a light.

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A Look Behind the Veil : Interview with Alisha of One Blushing Bride

Whether you’re team veil or a bit skeptical you thrilled to hear from veil designer Alisha of One Blushing Bride. Her designs are incredible bringing a whole new meaning to what a veil can look like. She was gracious enough to do an interview with us. Enjoy our read:

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AIIR Gathering IV

We truly want everyone to do amazing things. You rise I rise. To say this event & experience is magical is an understatement. We even had more incredible opportunities the next day ….

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Which Extensions Are Right for YOU?

You determined whether by choice or recommendation that you need or want extensions but there’s so many options ! Are they all created the same? Is one better that others? Or maybe for certain looks? It’s a lot to navigate. Let’s take a look at the various types of extensions & which are better for which circumstances.

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Wedding Weekend in Review ( 3/26/22-3/27/22)

Her vibes were “dark Snow White” or “dark princess”… just think if Middle Earth, Disney & a dash of Twilight had a baby. YUP! That’s the vibe. She pulled it off beautifully in her Maggie Sottero dress & I can’t wait to see the images back from Amandalyn Photography. Everything was simply magical.

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Let's Talk : Do I NEED Hair Extensions

There’s nothing wrong with trying a style first without extensions but if it’s not as full, long, detailed or dimensional as the photo or what you’d like don’t automatically blame the stylist. Discuss your options. I think of designing a hairstyle as a collaborative effort as we navigate from point A to point B. Not everyone is going to take the same route & some routes aren’t made for you. That’s ok! Have the discussion to see what route will get you where you want to go.

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MUST Ask Questions Before Booking Your Beauty Pro

Finding the “right” beauty pro can be a daunting task. There’s so many options & so much talent. Not to mention there are some logistical things that are important but you may not even realize. It can be stressful to say later “ I wish I would have known x, y, z”. Wouldn’t it be nice to know ahead of time? We got you! Here are your MUST ask questions before you book.

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Booking Beauty Vendor Timeline

Congrats you’re engaged! You have the venue. You have the date. You even have your rentals, photographer, videographer, and decorations. But what about beauty? There are some vendors who understandably come later in the booking process but the exact “when” is always up for debate. There’s a lot of (mis)information about how far out you should be contacting your glam squad. Well, fortunately for you this hairstylist is here to spill the tea so you don’t miss out.

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Huntsville's Premier Bridal Beauty Studio Booking 2022 & 2023

Huntsville’s Premier Bridal Beauty Studio is now booking for 2022 & 2023. Our studio “Everyday Magic” is a space that is bespoke, calming & enjoyable - just like your experience with us! You can really have fun & feel & look like your absolutely best self.

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Aashi Beauty : Beyond Blowout Brush

As a hairstylist you learn the art of a blow out and perhaps by learning the techniques & tensions to create the most bombshell look your expectations rise. But can we recreate it ourselves?

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Gender Neutral Services

Just like the wedding industry is heavily saturated with the terms “bride “ and “groom” so does the hair industry face a male / female divide . Not only is it irrelevant but it’s hurtful to those who don’t identify to those terms. So why aren’t we chaining this?

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Equally Wed Award Nominations

Change happens when we agree to move towards progress and strive towards a better tomorrow. When we won’t accept pre-existing standards simply because it’s how it’s always been or it would be easier to “not rock the boat”.

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In Salon Education

We did a thing! You’ve seen our education on social media, Pinterest, our website and maybe even in person whether it was a small group or one on one but we are taking our education on the road!

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