Neutral Doesn't Equal Natural

Adjectives are relative. Have you ever had a vision in your head but then tried to describe it to someone & what they imagined based on your description is ENTIRELY different? That happens all the time in the beauty industry & it’s why we LOVE photos for references. One word (like smokey) can mean very different things to 2 different people. One of the most common confusions we see now is natural vs neutral. Do you know the difference?

natural makeup artist Washington DC

Example of natural makeup ( besides the red lip).

Natural & neutral are often used interchangeably but they’re not identical. We commonly see clients saying the word “natural” but showing us an image of Kim K who is definitely not natural. It’s ok to love the Kim K pic; you just may be using the wrong adjective. So why does it matter? Well when your choosing your artist or when a team is placing you with you ideal artist to deliver your requested style if the wrong adjective is used then you may end up with a match that not 100% ideal. (It’s also why we love to see photos & Pinterest Inso during the inquiry). So what’s what?

neutral makeup artist Huntsville Alabama

Example of neutral makeup.

Natural is more of less what it sounds like. As your face naturally is just subtly enhanced. Natural, minimal coverage, freckles showing, no (or minimal/tiny) lashes, natural tone & finish lips along with barely there pigments on the eyes as well as checks. It’s often referred to as editorial or fine art makeup but in the bridal word those phrases just haven’t become as popular. It’s as if you aren’t wearing makeup & just woke up this way.

Neutral uses neutral tones but with more of a soft glam application. There is more coverage, highlights, deeper pigmentation in the eyes, lips & cheeks as well as lashes. Finishes such as dewey or matte can be altered from how the skin is naturally. Tones are typically warmer but still neutral ( beige, browns, burnt oranges, pinks, etc). It’s not glam but it’s obvious that, yes, you are wearing makeup. No one woke up like this ( I wish though).

Neutral makeup that’s tip-toeing into soft glam.

Now, there is some crossover & blending as there can be with any aesthetic. You could want neutral everything except for a natural skin makeup. And that’s ok ! It’s simply important to be aware so you as a client can articulate what you like/want & what you don’t. For any MUA’s it’s so critical to ask the questions! Notice the subtle differences in the references photos & if their is a mismatch from the adjectives to the photos don’t be afraid to ask for clarification . Trust me, the client will be thankful you did !

One is NOT better than the other. Perhaps you’re reading this & thinking “Oh I always thought I liked natural but really I like neutral” ( that was my revelation of yesteryear). Explore & experiment! I am curious though, which are you? Team Natural or Team Neutral? Indulge me with your answers in the comments!