Grooming Tips Guys Need For Their Wedding Day

Weddings are SO focused on women but that’s leaving out a huge percent of the population. There’s oodles of information out there focused on the ladies but what about our bros especially the bearded ones? Believe it or not this day is important for them too! They ALSO want to look their best! So <GASP> we’re going to help with some general knowledge both leading up to and day of wedding grooming. Let’s start with the preparation care before the big day.

Leading up to the wedding you should get into a hygiene routine. Not to generalize but most men want quick & easy but I will die on the hill that a “3-in-1” is not effective or the same so please stop using it. I promise on the flip side to not overwhelm you with products. You should wash your face with a cleanser, pat dry & moisturize. You will do it in the morning AND before bed. Then 1-2 times a week you will tone & exfoliate.

I can hear the questions now… what cleanser/toner/moisturizer? How much? And why? For cleansers choose a gentle one. Youth To The People is one of my all time favorite brands because it’s effective, gentle & all the scents are gender neutral so we’ll use them as general a reference point. My husband backs me up on these opinions & in fact follows this routine. Their gentle gel cleanser is a great starting point using 1-2 pumps for each wash & make sure to throughly rinse off. It will get rid of all dirt, grime, & excessive oil buildup. It’s important to always moisturize after cleansing. Personally I recommend a more lightweight moisturizer in the morning & deeper moisturizer in the evening. Bonus points if you use an eye cream in the evening. These will help return necessary nutrients & hydration to your skin to stimulate new skin growth, prevent dull skin as well as wrinkles. If you’re going to skimp & only use one then use the lightweight one. You’ll want to use about a dime size of the moisturizers & perhaps half of that when it comes to eye cream.

skincare preparing for wedding day

For your weekly or bi-weekly routine use a toner and exfoliant. A toner that will close up the pores & stimulate new growth of skin cells. A favorite that has AHA (alpha-hydroxy-acid) is their Kombucha Toner. Alpha-hydroxy-acid helps is a key component to create glowing skin while being gentle. An exfoliator literally schleps off dead skin cells. It’s important to have one that’s a perfect combo of strong & gentle. It needs to do the work but not destroy your skin. We personally prefer their Yerba Mate product. I would recommend alternating which days you do which items as in don’t do them on the same day. You can use the toner daily if you build up a tolerance, (the exfoliant should only be weekly) but build up is the key word. Doing so prematurely will result in a damaged skin biome & breakouts galore. Always moisturize afterwards.

If you’re feeling really fantastic or ambitious & really want to level up the self care I strongly suggest a facial leading up to your wedding. Now before anyone responds with “that’s girly” or heaven forbid something else let’s expand your thought process. Facials help to extract gunk, exfoliate skin & intensively moisturize in a power packed secession. If you can go 1x a month for at least 3 months prior to the wedding your progress & at home efforts would be amplified. It’s not a total cheat & you still need to do the other work but it is a bit of a fast pass.

Finally can’t forget the bros with the beards. Clean them! Beards can be a trap for basically everything from lunch to the environment & beyond just that general ick those things can lead to dull hair & skin. When you’re in the shower shampoo your beard. When you wash your face also wash your beard. Both the skin & hair of a beard need addressed. Moisturize your beard with a beard oil that contains jojoba oil. It’s a natural disinfectant & provides hydration so the skin & hair will be clean as well as luscious.

Now I’m realistic. I know if this is new to you that you may only do 1 of these things. Try to do more & I promise that the routine will become easier & even second nature. You want to look your best right? There is no magic wand for skincare. You don’t have to use exactly this brand or products but it gives you a good example to base off of. Once you see the results you’ll know the 2x a day pain in the butt routine was more than well worth it.