Posts tagged hair style
Let's Talk : Do I NEED Hair Extensions

There’s nothing wrong with trying a style first without extensions but if it’s not as full, long, detailed or dimensional as the photo or what you’d like don’t automatically blame the stylist. Discuss your options. I think of designing a hairstyle as a collaborative effort as we navigate from point A to point B. Not everyone is going to take the same route & some routes aren’t made for you. That’s ok! Have the discussion to see what route will get you where you want to go.

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Battling Humidity For At Home Styling

Humidity is real and it’s a beast. Here in Virginia just when you think it can’t get any hotter… it does… and it’s sidekick humidity has shown up too! So how in the world are you supposed to combat this for you everyday & your wedding? We have some tips to save your looks. This is Part 1 (Battling Humidity For At Home Styling). Part 2 (Battle Humidity on Your Wedding ) will come next. Handling humidity at home really comes down to products, prep & style.

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