Posts tagged Birmingham bride
You're a Goddess - Wedding Weekend Recap

What a weekend ! Let’s just say it was filled with fun, sweet people & some pretty hysterical moments. It really brings us so much joy & makes our work not work . This is 1 of the many reasons we love what we do! Every weekend is something new but they are all incredible & all so fun ! If you are individual who loves having a curveball & something different all the time this could truly be the path for you. And if you thrive on bringing joy to others.. it’s a sure fire fit!

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Catch Up!

On April 9th we had 3 weddings! All Alabama weddings too! Scattered across the state helping couples in Huntsville, Birmingham & Tuscaloosa not to mention all our trials & singular events in the DC area. It was busy busy & the upcoming weeks are no different. And what a beautiful blend of wedding & other events to showcase. Did you know we do other events? Well, now you do! Also are you curious about my trip? Well that’s for another post- stay tuned !

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