Why We ONLY Accept 1 Wedding Per Date

Did you know that our beauty team only accepts 1 (one) wedding per date (per stylist)? YUP! This is actually a pretty RARE things amongst beauty teams in the wedding industry. For us though this is an absolute guarantee whether you are working with our DC, Alabama or Austin TX team. Curious as to why? Let’s take a peak as to our logic.

Photo by Lion and Lamb Photography

For us what it really comes down to is that YOU are our #1 priority. Your wedding day is kinda a big deal & we recognize that. We know how hard & long you’ve worked on this & while we can never hold it at the exact same level of importance as you hold it, you know for personal reasons BUT we are damn well close. If it’s a 10 on your priority scale we come in at 9.9. With that prioritizing you means we put your needs at the TOP of our mind on that day. You have our full attention. We are flexible with changes to the schedule, quantity of services etc because you are our only focus. Need to shift the timeline? No problem! Want to add last minute hair or makeup service? Absolutely! We aren’t running off to another wedding & we don’t need to take into account anyone else’s schedule. There’s nothing else to balance or any other outside influence on the flow of your day.

Now, I’m sure if any other beauty teams who don’t follow this policy read this they will vehemently shout “You’re our #1 priority too!”… and to be frank I call bull. You can’t prioritize 2 things equally simeltaneously. One will take slight priority over the other even if it is an ebb & flow. If “Wedding A” wants to shift the timeline or add a service… you may not be able to because that stylist has to run to the location of “Wedding B” ( who in this example would pull away the priority). Or maybe they do accommodate “Wedding A” request & now they are rushing to not be late at “Wedding B” ( because their priority was still on Wedding A). UGGGGHHH ! Stressful, right? Maybe it’s just the type A me who worries about all the curveballs I’m adding to a very important day but I would feel absolutely horrible if I was to disappoint someone by maxing out my hours to grab more dollars. It’s NOT worth it to us!

Wedding at Red Gates outside of Birmingham AL.

If you read this & think I’m being dramatic let’s take a tiny moment to look at logistics. It takes 15 minutes to pack up at “Wedding A” & 15 minutes to set up at “Wedding B”. Let’s say “Wedding A” was at The Line Hotel in Austin TX & “Wedding B” was at Addison Grove outside of Austin TX. For this example you want to arrive at “Wedding B” by 11am. The transit time is estimated 22-50 minutes so we’re going to round up out of precaution . This means that to arrive there by 11 am you’d need to leave The Line at 9:35 ( because we’re account for time from Valet too). Eeek that’s tight! Washington DC is more or less the same with traffic, valet & just getting around. Same time scenario but let’s say “Wedding A” is at Omni Shoreham in Georgetown DC and “Wedding B” is at The Williard on Pennsylvania Ave . It’s estimated about 28 minutes away & both locations have valet ( some of the best in the city IMHO but that still takes time). Now, Alabama is a bit different because things can be a bit more spread out BUT that also means more distance and/or more slow, winding roads. For example if you were to go from Lumi (downtown Bham) to Ross Bridge ( just outside of Birmingham in Hoover AL) it’s about 30 minutes for just travel not to mention parking & navigating the buildings.

DC wedding photographed by Megan Rei

Now, why go into the time break down SO MUCH?! to show you how tiny your window is to work with on either side. If you have to leave by 9:35 then you only have about 2 hours to work with before departure. If “Wedding B” needs to be done by 1-1:30 pm ( a very typical time) they also only have 2-2.5 hours to work with. One stylist could literally ONLY provide 2 services at either wedding otherwise you’d need to have assistants added ( which will end up costing you more money).

Phew! I know we’ve been through a LOT but do you see a bit of our logic? I’m not saying it’s never possible to do BUT why would you (or us) want to?! It’s more stress, more coordination, more restrictions & more financial investment. When instead you can have flexibility, dedicated attention, seamless flow of the day & stress free experience. Maybe I’m biased, but I prefer a bespoke, EXPERIENCE not a rushy assembly line. I know which I’d choose! How about you?