Guide to the Perfect Bridal Trail

Bridal trials are an amazing opportunity to “try out” your dream hairstyle . There are a few tips though to have the most successful bridal trial ever.


How many photos to bring?

While I love seeing an elaborate pinterest board I recommend 1-5 photos as your core inspiration photos. Any more than that and typically the focus gets lost with so many various styles and you can end up becoming more confused about what you actually want.

Should I bring an entourage for opinions?

In the end your opinion matters most but I understand having the validation of those important in your life can mean a lot too. I suggest a max of 1-2 people accompanying you. These should be individuals whose opinions you value but people who also put your joy at the forefront. Not someone who causes drama or tends to put a negative spin on everything. Definitely not more than 2 -just TOO many cooks in the kitchen then.

How should you arrive?


Your hair ideally is “day old “ to have a bit of grip BUT if your hair gets really oily (and you know your own hair best) go ahead and wash it the day of. Ultimately it should just be dry!

Anything else I should bring with me?

Some stylists, (like myself) will have accessories and veil for you to try on so you can get the full picture but if you have your own I always encourage you to bring those as well. Also it’s a good idea to wear the same color top of your wedding dress to create the most accurate picture. Also if you have hair extensions and you know you want to wear them make sure you bring those too otherwise the style could be very different.

Sounds simple right? It is! And it’s an incredibly enjoyable experience but with these tips not only will it be fun but it’ll also be as productive as possible.If you have a question or concern about something specific relating to bridal trials please comment below or DM.