Couples Choice Award

We are so excited to tell everyone that we’ve won the Couple’s Choice Award from Wedding Wire! YAY! Now it’s a big deal but it’s not just a title . A random panel didn’t just blindly assign awards based upon some corner office rubric. It was based upon having good reviews. Of course there was a minimum you had to reach but ultimately they had to be singing your praises. So even though Wedding Wire gave me the award in a really big way so did you. So all I can say is THANK YOU!

Reviews matter so much and not just for awards. It’s really the best way for other engaged couples to get a first hand feel for me and my business from the mouth of people who have worked closely with me. The reviewers have no obligation to say nice things so when they do it’s real. It gives you as potential client a perspective relevant to yours touching on aspects that are critically important to your satisfaction and joy.

So thank you to all those who took the time to write a review. Often we as a society tend to forget to write reviews when they’re positive and only when we’re irked do we remember to make the effort. These incredible people made sure to review their vendors, including me and this is just one reward from that. Really, the reward is getting to work with more amazing people because of these reviews. Basically let me just say….THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!