AIIR Professional Diamond Shampoo & Conditioner


AIIR Professional has released a brand new product & it has so many amazing features! Be prepared to shine like a diamond … & not just because it’s infused with them . AiiR Professional has created a brand new shampoo & conditioner set that is completely fragrance free. So many people has requested fragrance free shampoo conditioner set & listened . But they didn’t just stop there.

The shampoo is a gentle cleaner meaning that it’s good for colored or damaged hair. The sage provides this unique trait by removing build up & promoting hair growth on a freshly clean palette. Another stand out ingredient is alma. Alma delivers essential fatty-acids that penetrate the hair follicle so your hair will have both a natural volume & shine. The diamond will not only add deep penetrating luster but brings a sense of purity, centering & spiritual power.

The conditioner is speficially formulated for sensitive skin. It’s infused with reishi which will bring restorative anti-inflammatory properties to hair that will relive scalp irritation while also protecting fragile hair. This conditioner will make your hair feel softer & more manageable. It’s feels indulgent but don’t we all deserve this level of TLC?

But what good would all this be with my personal hot take ? Not much ! AIIR Professional was kind enough to send me some to try. I’m so glad I get to experience it & share that experience with you. SO my hair is thick, course with a slight wave & prone to frizz. It lathered nicely & felt silky across my hair. The conditioner was an nice consistency as it easily spread through my hair but felt like it was really covering the hair throughly. After rinsing everything out I spray a little AIIR leave -in conditioner like always & blow dried my hair which typically really reveals what did or didn’t work. My hair was silky smooth, soft & was frizz free not to mention had a healthy shine .

I absolutely loved it & I think you would too! Interested in trying it yourself ? Click HERE to get your very own. Not sure or have questions because of your specific needs or wants? Just ask! Always happy to help. Happy TLC time & remember as AIIR says “turn your routine into a ritual “.