Ways to Add Dimension to Your Hair

Dimension in relation to hair is creating depth within the hair so it appears to have multiple layers versus being flat. So why does that matter? Dimension will make every twist, curl, shape & braid POP. Dimensional hair will have more movement than non-dimensional hair even if the styles are identical. There are 4 main ways to create dimension with varying degrees of impact & aesthetic. We’ll go over those along with what your options are if not of these options seem appealing.

  1. Highlights are the first most obvious waist bring dimension in your hair. Highlights will create contrast between your natural hair and the lighter highlights. This contrast will create dimension. It doesn’t have to be an extreme contrast. It could be only 1 -2 shades lighter & every just baby lights (micro highlights) will do the job. The only downside is to go lighter the cosmetologist will need to use a lighter & chemically lift the color of your hair.

  2. Low lights would the second option that while similar to highlights is a little less daunting. They would create contrast & therefor dimension but instead of going lighter they would be going darker. Again it doesn’t have to be a dramatic contrast & a simple 1-2 shades darker will do just fine. Yes, baby lowlights are again an option & the nice benefit in comparison to highlights is that lowlights can be created with a glaze or Demi permanent product. A glaze or Demi permanent hair color are not as “intense” & only penetrate the outermost layer of the hair cuticle so they will wash out in approximately 6-10 washes ( varies by brand & washing conditions, etc). The only downside is that if your hair is already super dark it’s harder to create contrast. You could shift the tint same level though if that’s your vibe. So if your hair is naturally a 3N you could do a 3RV for some contrast.

  3. Extensions are the 3rd option you’ve probably never thought of! Take what you’ve learned from option 1 & 2 but apply it using hair extensions instead of coloring your hair. Instead of having any chemical process done to your hair you can simply clip in ( or beaded, bonded or sew-in) extensions to create the exact same effect. The pros are not chemicals & the cons depend on your supplier. If you can rent the hair extensions then your con is basically nullified. Buying extensions can be a bit of a financial investment for a product you hope you use again. Sew in, bonded & beaded are easy for the wedding but do require maintenance roughly every 6 weeks.

  4. Hair accessories are the final dimensional option that ironically isn’t actually manipulating your hair. Since they vary in color from your hair & often shine or sparkle they will create a contrast & dimension. This dimension though will be isolated. To spread it as much as possible accessories with vining bits that your artist can weave through will be your best option.

Now what if you don’t like any of these options? Your hair doesn’t have a lot of dimension but you love the color & you don’t want any of the accessories. What can you do?

  1. Shine spray will add a very minimal dimension to any hair strands that are physically elevated. It won’t be a high contrast & it will be very subtle. This will create a more luscious look vs flat non dimensional.

  2. Reframe the way you look at you hair & hair styles. Instead of looking at inspo styles with lots of dimension look at styles that are 1 dimensional to provide realistic expectations. Focus more on the silhouette the shape of the updo is instead of the dimensional detail within an updo. Dark hair & singular dimensional hair can have a strong, powerful silhouette especially learning on the more clean & glamorous aesthetic without dimension to distract from the simplicity. Still beautiful just a different look.

You have options to achieve that dream look! To be clear as well there is no “right” or “wrong” for your specific needs or wants. These are all simply options that will create a specific outcome. Tools in the toolkit that you can use in your project. Choosing to not use them will just give a different final project. Has this helped provide clarity for the style goals you’re dreaming of on your wedding day?