The Art of Creating Day of Beauty Timeline
Everyone wants a smooth, relaxing morning that runs seamlessly but often times we hear more about the chaos, rushing & stress. Now not to point fingers but for the most part - this is ENTIRELY avoidable. With proper preparation; which really resides within the timeline & sticking to it. So how’s a timeline designed to ensure calm?
Once you have your headcount since we know how long will be needed per service then it comes down to reverse engineering the day. What time is the ceremony?Let’s say 5pm. Are you doing a first look? Let’s say yes. And other pre-ceremony photos? Yes, that too! Ok so then you need to be ready for those photos by 3/3:30. Do you want photos of the getting ready process & if so when will the photographer be in the suite (not just on-site). Let’s leave the last 30-45 minutes of beauty time for those getting ready photos as they may do some detail shots as well. So we’ve now determined that we will finish including touch ups by 3:15 with the last 15 minutes being touch ups. After we have our end time we can work the timeline backwards. Let’s say it’s 4 people + the marier. Well then you will need to start at roughly 11 am. Will your venue let you in that early or do you need an assistant? This provides us the block of time to create beautiful looks to start with.
We however take it a step further & schedule each “appointment” as well as assign names. When people have an “appointment time” they respect their start time more & are less likely to run late. We do build in buffer time so if that one wedding party member is in the restroom or something when it’s their turn then the whole timeline isn’t thrown . Our buffer time allows us to be prepared for the unexpected. Now we can always flip flop people around as needed but with the names we know exactly who is when & not chasing down that 1 person who we haven’t done as things are winding down. Having the time slots also lets the stylists know they are staying on track versus getting lost in a style or loosing track of time. From my experience when stylists just have a block start & end time then there’s is always a rush at the end.
So does it matter who takes which time slot? There are ways that have proven to be more efficient but not necessarily “musts” . Early risers & non-partiers go first. So if your pregnant & not drinking the night before chances are you will be one of the first slots. Late risers will go later because we don’t want to be delayed as you’re still slumbering. Moms go either toward the beginning or towards the end based upon their preference & if/when they will be running around doing tasks. Would they rather get beauty done & go run off to do things for the wedding? Or get a few things done then come sit to be glammed? Children go last. They may be excited earlier but let them relax so they’ll sit easier & they have less time to touch the work you created prior to pictures. The married will go 2nd or 3rd to last. Take the morning to relax & enjoy before it’s your moment to receive services. Don’t go last because you’ll just be keeping a nervous eye on the clock which obviously isn’t very enjoyable.
Once a couple books with us we send them a rough draft timeline based upon the current information within the 1st month of booking. Then along the way if anything changes we adjust accordingly. About 4-6 weeks prior we check in as things are firming up. Finally at 2 weeks prior the timeline is finalized. Now is it set in stone? No, we can still adjust but it’s more or less stays the way it is at that point. This way we have the “ready by time” & head count so there’s no big changes or scrambling.
Photo by Danielle Real Photography
What’s the last part of creating a stress free day in relation to your beauty timeline? Following the timeline! We can always make adjustments leading up to the big day but when the day comes it’s important to be on-time and with dry hair/naked face so that we can have the necessary time to create a bespoke quality look while still getting everyone out the door on time. No one wants to cause a domino effect & no one wants to have to make up time.
With the right planning you can have an enjoyable morning with your best people being pampered . It’s not ever terribly hard planning as your wedding pros SHOULD take care of all the real work for you. If you’re concerned about the flow don’t be afraid to ask your beauty team for a timeline if they haven’t already provided one or design one with these new tools. You derisive a chill day & this will help that be a reality !