Inclusive Vendors of Alabama

We firmly believe that everyone should have the ability to celebrate their love and have a wedding without fear of rejection simply because of who they are. Regardless of your ethnicity, religion, gender, body, sexual orientation etc you deserve the same treatment when planning your wedding as everyone else.


Unfortunately not everyone feels this way and they fall back on BS excuses to justify their discrimination. We don’t want to work with those vendors if at all possible. If they’re on a styled shoot we won’t be. If they ask for recommendations they won’t get them. So it all started as a way to gather a list of who is “safe” and who isn’t for our own personal reference point. However as I spoke to other vendors they were also in need of a list like this. I also found there were a whole lot of us that were inclusive. It quickly became evident that a list alone was not doing enough to help promote a safe, inclusive circle. Hence “Inclusive Vendors of Alabama” was born.


We are a group (currently facebook & instagram story highlights) that is LGBTQ+ inclusive, pro BLM, diverse, non-demonimational , body positive and all around supporters of individuality. Our group is a safe space for vendors to talk amongst like minded businesses about the important issues, what we can do to positively impact the industry and make referrals/requests all while not worrying you’re about to walk into a bigoted lecture. It’s also a safe space for couples to find their vendors and recommendations without fear of rejection. No one should have to worry about that and here they don’t.


Our group may grow… to a full instagram profile or website. Who knows! But for now it’s very grass roots with a mighty presence . I can’t wait for the day when things like this are not needed but until then we will fully fight to make the world better.

You can join our facebook group HERE or see the growing list of inclusive vendors on Instagram Highlights under “Inclusive AL” HERE.
