How to Prepare for Your Trial

A trial is the MOST successful for all parties when everyone is prepared. But what does that even mean? How can one prepare for the exploration of their dream beauty look especially if they’ve never done it before. Don’t fret we have a few guidelines that will help you have the most amazing experience AND receive a stellar look as if your artist is psychic .

First off is the inspiration photos! Artists do not need a whole Pinterest board of 30+ images. In fact that actually muddles things up. Images you pinned from when you first got engaged may not be relevant anymore + really have no reason to be there. They’re a distraction from what you really want. The goal is to bring 1-5 images of hair + 1-5 images of makeup. Start by saving more than that (yes it can be on Pinterest) + then weed out the images that just don’t resonate. You may have slightly more if you’re torn between 2 looks but let’s not stretch past 6 images + being torn between more than 2 looks again will leave you confused. You’re looking for images that are not just the style but ones that match your vibes, aesthetic, personality, needs + wants.

Secondly make sure you have a top the same color as your wedding wardrobe. If not go get one. Colors play a funny role. A red lipstick WILL 100% look different if you’re wearing a white top vs a yellow top + even the hair will pop differently depending upon your hair color. I know this can sound so silly but trust us it makes a world of a difference.

Next, make sure your skin + hair are ready to go. Not just clean + dry but go to facial appointments etc if there’s anything on your skin you’re working on + make sure your hair is a similar length as well as color to what it will be on the wedding day. Otherwise it will not look the same as it will on your wedding day. Trials are creating a peak into the future but we’re still working with the materials of the present. Inaccurate current materials will present a different vision.

Be prepared to communicate your needs, wants, loves + hates of beauty, your dream look + yes even after the style or makeup look is done at the trial. We are NOT psychic unfortunately ( would make our work so much easier!) but we want to make sure you’re 100% satisfied. Between pictures + our dialogue is how decisions are made. Building upon that it’s how modifications + changes are made at the trial after the initial reveal so we can demonstrate IRL what it is that you are dreaming of. If you don’t communicate it’s so much harder to execute the vision. I know it can be awkward for some to ask for changes but be prepared to make your needs known. A closed mouth doesn’t get fed.

Finally remember that trials are a time to TRY out a look. It’s a wonderful time to experiment + play. Do you like chunky wipies or little wispies or wispies at all? How would you know unless you tried? We are not copy + paste machines + we don’t know you beyond our communication leading up to your trial. This is likely all new to you. It’s a journey + we’re here with a supportive open hand but that means you need to come with an open mind for discovery. Discovery of YOUR look, preferences, etc. Don’t be afraid to explore- we’ll be your guide!