Define Marrier, please....

Hey folks! You may have noticed the word “marrier” around here + perhaps you’re a bit confused. That’s ok ! We’re here to explain not only what it is but why we chose to use this word.

Photo by Jeff & Rachel Photography

So first off, what? It’s a gender neutral term for someone getting married that can apply to any partner in the nuptials. It’s in lieu of bride or groom. That’s not to say those words aren’t great but they don’t really apply or encompass everyone, where as marrier does. Keep this in mind so that when you’re looking at our emails, our rates, etc you know exactly who were speaking about. Just think… am I the one saying vows, swapping rings, signing official documents, etc? If the answer is “YES” then yes, you are indeed the marrier.

But WHY? Why make a whole new word when there’s a “perfectly good” word that already exists and the industry worldwide has accepted as the status quo? Well as most things that are inherent with the status quo they typically leave someone out. Some may not feel like a “bride” or a “groom”. It just doesn’t vibe with them regardless of their gender or orientation and that’s ok. There are other options but some of which are obviously smooshed together words ( like “broom”) and somehow that doesn’t seem much better. No, the community instead called for a word that’s not tied to bride or groom but has equal heft and ease . Besides marrier the other popular term is celebrant. There’s loads more but we’ve landed on marrier. We have chosen to use a gender neutral term because we want to make sure that everyone knows they are absolutely not only welcomed but, accepted and affirmed at The Stylist Abroad. Our services are gender neutral so obviously our diction would be too.

Photo by The Rose Reflective

But what if you DO identify as a bride or groom? Cool, good for you. If you let us know or we hear you say it we will shift and address you and your wedding day title as you wish. See the nice thing about starting with a gender neutral term is that you were included then and you’re included with any updated preference. It’s going from inclusion to inclusion; not from exclusion to inclusion.

Does that all make sense? Doesn’t it feel like a warm cup of rainbow fueled inclusion this world so desperately needs and our magenalzed communities so gratefully celebrate? I thought so too! Let me know though, what other gender neutral terms have you used or heard and loved? Or are there ones that give you the ick? Let us know in the comments.

Cover image by Paige Vaughn Associates.