No Switcheroos ! You Receive The Stylist You Choose

Imagine you choose to work with a beauty company + you adore all their beautiful work but you aren’t actually assigned your HMUA until 6 weeks prior to your wedding or when you have your trial. You’re hoping they produce the caliber of work you’ve been shown but you don’t really know anything about them. Or imagine that you thought you were working with 1 stylist for the wedding but turns out that’s not exactly true. They’ll do your services but then fleet off elsewhere which a junior assistant is left to finish the rest. Or what if it’s an entirely different stylist from who you planned to work with?

I know, it all sounds horrific but as wild as it sounds this does happen with some companies. NOT ours! I cannot emphasize that enough. This will NEVER ever happen with ours. But I wanted to bring this issue to light because it’s often not talked about enough. Couples often don’t realize this is even in the realm of possibility or something that sets us apart in a positive way until it’s too late. I personally feel very strongly against these tactics + feel they are symptoms of my insidious practices. Let me elaborate.

Companies will sometimes not assign an artist until 6 weeks prior or the trial because they are playing a shuffle game trying to figure out how to maximize profits. I know this may not sound horrible but think of what you pay. If you pay travel or a tiered rate that is based upon a certain artist so if your assigned one doesn’t match that you could be overpaying but that company would be making more profits.

Nik Nguyen Photography

Some companies will present like the lead artist will be on-site the entire time + they include an assistant. However what they do instead is the lead takes care of only the person/people getting married + then they depart ( likely to another wedding) while the assistant ( typically a junior stylist) takes care of everyone else. They do this to maximize the weddings they can do, maximize profits + since the junior is likely paid less they’re skimming profits there too. The same methodology is true when they flat out change the artist you thought you were working with.

In all of these situations if you have specific needs, concerns or requests they could not be address + you could be placed with an artist that doesn’t match those requirements. All of these situations leave a vagueness for you + complicates the communication process for you. Needless to say it all adds unnecessary stress + seems like some shady business moves at your expense.

So how are we different? We present to you all the stylists available with the link to thier gallery and bio. These images are their work + the bio is about them. You get to choose your artist! Whomever you feel is the best fit + of course we can advise based upon your needs. This is 100% your artist on the wedding day. Your lead artist will be on-site the entire time the other artists are present. You will know who your assistants are prior to the wedding. All of our artists are paid the same percent commission. We only accept 1 wedding per day. The only time an artist changes if is you request it or if something drastic happens like they move states away. However in a rare circumstance like that you are brought into the conversation to choose a suitable replacement or be provided a refund.

Britannie Wichael Photography

There are business decisions for the good of the business as well as the client + then there are business decisions that are good for the business but may not be best for the client. We believe in the former. To us at The Stylist Abroad we firmly believe in delivering extrordinary services that have you needs + best interest at the core of everything. I hope this has provided some enlightening, behind-the-curtain information as you navigate the planning process. And remember here at The Stylist Abroad there are no switcheroos.